

the essential problem with marxism is that it seeks to solve every problem with technique. It correctly identifies problems like wealth inequality, and then seeks to resolve them through social technique. And it very well may succeed, as people are quite GOOD at technique, and it’s generally very effective at systematically reaching specific ends. The problem with this approach is that it fails to recognize that the problems they seek to resolve stem from technique to begin with. Class strife, wealth inequality, labor alienation, all these things are the result of social and mechanical technique, the increasing division of labor, the constant increase of the complexity of human relations. Rather than nip the bud at the source, the marxist attempts to fight fire with fire, not realizing the he weilds the same weapons as the monarch or the capitalist. He may achieve his stated goals, but it will likely come at an immense cost in human freedom and psychological well-being, and also create additional, unanticipated problems to replace the ones that have been solved. The much more sensible approach is the diminishment of mass technique. A constitution itself is a technique; it’s a document that establishes SYSTEMATIC governance for SPECIFIC ENDS. Take power away from such documents and the many institutions that have been built to enforce and propagate them. That’s the REAL key. Make class strife and other such marxist gripes impossible by destroying the very apparatus by which they are created. what makes leftism seductive is that it IS good in the context of an industrialized, liberal democratic nation, because the only alternative within that context is to willfully permit preventable human suffering. the seduction wears off when you recognize that such a nation should not and need not exist.


i'm too smart and cool to learn web design

as an enlightened critic of technology i am simply not online or even indoors frequently enough to learn how to make a web sight. i'm too busy living as God intended, spending the bulk of my time artlessly engaged in physical tasks devoid of even the semblance of technique. i live an almost entirely non-contemplative lifestyle. i don't experience boredom or anxiety, because those are civilizational diseases, and i have psychologically de-civilized myself. something akin to what happened to U.G. Krishnamurti has taken place in me, but i correctly attribute these miraculous changes to the Grace of God rather than random chance


i don't know WHAT the fuck i'm doing

i don't actually know html, but that's ok since i don't have content to upload anyway